Saturday, February 18, 2012

What is the cheapest way to travel between countries in Europe?

What is the cheapest way to travel between countries in Europe?What is the cheapest way to travel between countries in Europe?Went round europe last year and we found that interrailing was best value. It allowed us to pick different types of train passes, how long for etc. We didnt have a specific route yet found trains were frequent and easily booked. Occasionally you need to pay a small fee to book one ahead and also we got an overnight train (the ones with little bedrooms) once and had to pay for that!

Hope this helps, enjoy your trip! is the cheapest way to travel between countries in Europe?
It depends what cities you are travelling between. Between some cities a low cost airline is the cheapest, much much cheaper than trains.What is the cheapest way to travel between countries in Europe?Being extradited - you'll get free police transport.
Trains are the cheapestWhat is the cheapest way to travel between countries in Europe?Train, bus, i can tell you that would suit you pretty fineWhat is the cheapest way to travel between countries in Europe?
Visit and check all the ways, which is suitable for you can choose that one.What is the cheapest way to travel between countries in Europe?
riy and air

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