Thursday, January 26, 2012

How to add music/sound effects/credits to any stop motion project?

I'm using a stop motion software called "Dragon" for mac at my school. The only thing that's bugging me is I don't know how to add any music/sounds effects and credits to my stop motion project. Will after effects from Adobe work? or what kind of editing software do I need to use for vista/windows? At home I use Vista so transferring mac to a pc isn't a problem.How to add music/sound effects/credits to any stop motion project?After effects will work just fine. You can also use Sony Vegas to add the sound, etc. Basically, you just need a non-linear video editing program. Adobe's and Sony's are the best out there, but there are others, like final cut, etc.

You can go to osalt and find free alternatives. Check out this link:

VirtualDub should be able to do it, and it's free, but it's also missing some features of the professional products. If it's for one project, then the free trial of the pro product should be adequate

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