Monday, January 30, 2012

What is up with the totally Gay and queer jump shot motion all the football players are making now?

I suppose I can just assume that this idiotic, lame, totally gay motion is something from some no talent losers video huh? Probably some stupid thin 50 cent, P diddy, or Eminem does in a video huh? Can somebody tell me what this already old and totally gay thing is all about? The best and only COOL touchdown celebration is "Acting like you've done it before and just celebrating with your team"!! All this other crap is enough to make me puke. . . way to ghetto!What is up with the totally Gay and queer jump shot motion all the football players are making now?Lack of talent needs other ways of expressing. You get the jump shot. It's actually about a song called jump on this.

CoachWhat is up with the totally Gay and queer jump shot motion all the football players are making now?It's a Giant thing. But don't worry they just suck naturally.

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