Monday, January 23, 2012

Preventing motion sickness when reading in car?

I am going on a road trip as a passenger and would like to read during the drive, but I know this usually gives me headaches/nausea. Is there any way to prevent motion sickness while still being able to read? Thanks in advance.Preventing motion sickness when reading in car?When my family used to go on long trips and I wanted to bury my nose in a book, I found it helped to have the window cracked and the air stream blowing on my head and face. You can also see about special acu-pressure bands to wear on your wrists that are supposed to help with motion sickness. Check on line for motion sickness aids. Good luck.Preventing motion sickness when reading in car?Ginger is great for motion sickness and you can find it in different forms. Ginger candy is easiest for cars, but there is also ginger tea.

Anything with a significant amount of ginger in it will help settle your stomach.

Hope that helps.

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