Saturday, January 14, 2012

Channel catfish in cooler weather in a lake?

As it gets cooler around here in Chicago I was wondering where the channel catfish hang out during the day.Should I still fish the drop offs or will they move in to the flatter shallower areas?

The lake I fish at is mostly 5-10ft deep but there are a couple deeper areas that get around 20ft.It has the shape of two large ponds put together by a river connecting them both.The whole river area that connects them is 5ft.Channel catfish in cooler weather in a lake?
Keep fishing the drop-offs. Even in cooler weather catfish will stay.Channel catfish in cooler weather in a lake?
I fish the drop offs and where the river enters the lake - rivers often provide fish with a good supply of food - kind of like Dominos pizza they deliver it to the fish waiting in ambush patiently.Channel catfish in cooler weather in a lake?
I'd keep fishing in the drop offs
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