Saturday, January 14, 2012

Why do we urinate more in really cold weather?

This has been puzzling me for years. Sadly I saw a listing for a Channel 5 show recently called "Human Guinea Pigs" or something similar where they were going to explain it, but had alerady missed the programme. Can anyone enlighten me?Why do we urinate more in really cold weather?
When we are in a cold environment, blood flow to our internal organs is increased to keep our organs warm.The increase in blood flow to the kidneys causes more blood to be filtered thus producing more urine.
The Cold weather shrinks our blood vessels around our extremities. This causes the body to centralize our body heat in order to maintain our core temperature .Thus causing

our bladder to feel full. This is causing you to urinate more often.Why do we urinate more in really cold weather?
I think because we drink so much trying to get warm, we just go to the bathroom more.
I don't know for certain but my guess would be that we tend to sweat less in cold water so don't lose water that way so have to get rid of it my urinatingWhy do we urinate more in really cold weather?
It's just a physiological compensation because we are sweating less therefore eliminating less water excess and toxins.

Besides the intake of hot beverages containing caffeine,such as tea,chocolate,and coffee,increase during cold weather.

Caffeine is know to be a diuretic.
I think it's because we tighten up our body to protect ourselves against the cold, and by so doing, we squeeze our bladder more in the cold weather than a any other time.
The warmer the weather , the more we loose moisture through our skin . In very cold weather , we don't sweat so we loose moisture in other ways .
It is similar to shivering when you hop out of a pool or shower. You get cold, your muscles contract. In the case of the bladder the shrinking reduces its holding capacity.
because we drink more hot chocolate
in cold weather, blood vessels=vasoconstrict=constrict bladder
When you are cold, your muscles contract making the muscles in you bladder do the same, making it if we could just figure out why we eat more in the winter.
sweat in the heat - pee in the cold?
because we have to get rid of the harmful salts in our body, in summer we sweat a lot to get rid of the salts, but we can't sweat in winter so we urinate more frequently to get rid of the salts
It is due to homeostasis, keeping the body balanced. Water balance is achieved by drinking and urinating, you need more water when hot so it can be used to cool down the body, you urinate more when cold because it is getting rid of excess water .
Excellent question i will be waiting for the answer also?
i think because it makes you organs squish
In the cold, our bladder tightens. Along with that, we can feel the urine in our bladder better because it is cold outside, and it is not masking the heat in our bodies.
people urinate due to cold diuresis.

Vasoconstriction (the narrowing of blood vessels) creates greater volume pressure in the blood stream. The kidneys pull off excess fluid to reduce the pressure. A full bladder is a place for additional heat loss so urinating will help conserve heat.
I think its because when your body is cold, everything goes tight, so the bladdert cant expand as much as it can when warm, therefore being able to contain less urine, hence the need to go to the toilet more!
Its coz your body needs to generate more heat so this makes your metabolic reactions more rapid. This in turn generates more waste which is passed out as urine
bladder tightens in the cold
The show explained it in terms of less sun in winter, less sweat so more urine volume.
The answer is very of the most important methods of regulating body temperature is via directing the blood either to skin (which causes heat loss from skin), or directing the blood to internal organs (which causes meintenace of heat in the body) imagine you are standing in really cold weather....obviously your body needs to retain heat and avoid heat loss from the blood vessels in your skin will constrict (become narrower) and most of your blood will be directed to your internal organs.....but the volume of blood that can circulate throught the internal organs and core blood vessels is obviously what happens??....yes! your kidneys remove the extra water from your blood and form urine.....that's why we urinate more in colder weather.....

I tried to explain it in a very simple way....the True mechanisms by which these processes take place are very complicated and need complex co-operation of various body systems....., hope you find my explanations helpful...Good luck
good question - but its best to keep it in as if you spend a penny and let go of it, it causes you to be colder..

does that make any sense at all? lol

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