Thursday, February 2, 2012

Awesome epic song to play when walking down a street in slow motion?

Whats a song that sounds like when your walking down a street in slow motion and everything is exploding behind you and its all epic.Awesome epic song to play when walking down a street in slow motion?Definitely this song: Prince Negaafellaga - Introduction (feat. Starcrimes)

Heres the link to the video:鈥?/a>Awesome epic song to play when walking down a street in slow motion?
Icky Thump - The White Stripes

Just Got To Be - The Black Keys

Tell Me A Lie - The Fratellis

Walk This Way - Aerosmith

Back Against The Wall - Cage The Elephant

Stop Drop And Roll!!! - The Foxboro Hot Tubs

Immigrant Song - Led Zeppelin

Give It Away - Red Hot Chili Peppers

Hash Pipe - WeezerAwesome epic song to play when walking down a street in slow motion?Beethoven Moonlight Sonata - I think this would be cool as hell鈥?/a>Awesome epic song to play when walking down a street in slow motion?鈥?/a>鈥?/a> (Skip to 1:15)鈥?/a>Awesome epic song to play when walking down a street in slow motion?du hast by rammstein. go youtube the video

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