Thursday, February 2, 2012

What Law justifies oral TurnOver motion ?

What legal authority allows an attorney to make oral Turnover motion to cause a judge to order a defendant to hand over his wallet for money to be extracted for judgment ?What Law justifies oral TurnOver motion ?The same legal authority that allows liens on property, repossessions, garnishments of bank accounts, paychecks, and tax returns when someone wins a judgment against someone. And if it was back child support, the debtor can even get thrown in jail. For any other civil debts owed on a judgment, people don't get put in prison, but they are still forced to pay the debt if they have any cash or assets to pay it with.What Law justifies oral TurnOver motion ?No law is required. The court has just issued a judgment that the defendant owes money. THAT is the authority to collect. A law would be required to PREVENT collection, not to allow it.

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