Thursday, February 2, 2012

How do i file motion to modify child support on my own w/o attorneys this time?

I have spent all I have in courts and lawyers for my childrens sake, and need to learn how to file motions on my own. Any help for men out there?How do i file motion to modify child support on my own w/o attorneys this time?鈥?/a>

\\\\\\\\\\\\How do i file motion to modify child support on my own w/o attorneys this time?
You should contact your county Child Support Enforcement Agency along with a letter stating why you need to modify your child support. I know here in Ohio the Father can only do it once every 3 years, but a mother can do it once a year. If you are the Father make sure you have pay stubs to back up your findings and any reasons for the modifications. Hope this helps.How do i file motion to modify child support on my own w/o attorneys this time?You're not alone. My husband went through the exact same thing recently! To do this without an attorney, you would need to go where your child custody hearing is taking place. Go to the Law Library, if not you can always go online and get it through the court's website Self-Help/Self-Service link and download and print out the "Modification of Child Custody" form. Think really good at how will answer the questions or any statements you will make on the forms! Avoid anything too bias or hateful toward your children's mother. Best advise? Always-always-always, make a good impression by being the most concerned, nurturing, protective, unbiased parent the entire time. Displaying this attitude or behavior in front of the judge will definitely be in your favor. Once you've completed the "Modification of Child Custody" form, you would then need to take it to the court's clerk to file it and typically you will have to mail out a notice you have file this petition to your children's mother. So from there, it starts, depending whether the judge grants or denies your petition for modification. Good luck!How do i file motion to modify child support on my own w/o attorneys this time?
To file a motion w/o an attorney, you will have to go to courthouse and file a motion with the circuit court clerk. They will then advise you of a court date and you will have to appear before a judge to give your reasons for the modifications. Good Luck!How do i file motion to modify child support on my own w/o attorneys this time?i know that when i ran out of money for family court i told my attorney and asked him if i could pay him for legal advice and not representation. he did so the way it worked was he got me all the forms, showed me how to fill things out, what to expect in court etc. he just doesnt go to court with you on your behalf. try that i hope your attorney will do that for you it saved me sooooooo much money and things went in my favor

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