Saturday, January 14, 2012

My wife and I disagree about what local news channel to watch?

I like channel 5 and she likes channel 7. Last year I had an affair with the weather woman on Ch 5. Could this have anything to do with it? I'm totally over it and I think it's important for my wife to get past it also. I think it would be good therapy for her.My wife and I disagree about what local news channel to watch?
You should have 2 televisions.

You can watch porn, and she can watch Oprah do a segment on husbands that watch porn. It's part of the great circle of life.

Now dance for us.My wife and I disagree about what local news channel to watch?
Duuuh! Of course, it has everything to do with it. You both watch channel 5, that ***** comes on with the weather and she's supposed to sit and watch? I think NOT!

BTW, since when did you become your wife's therapist?
  • virtual earth
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