Saturday, January 14, 2012

Who do you think is the best looking on the weather Channel?

These are the top ladies in my opinion.

1)Stephanie abrams

2)Hillary Andrews

3)Kelly Cass(although a lil chubby she still looks nice)

4)Heather Tesch

5)Alexandra Steele(Way too skinny though)

6)Cheryl Lemke (a lil older but still looks pretty.

My most annoying one is Nicole Mitchchell. Is it just me or she just looks too phony for my taste? Anyway your thoughts %26amp; have a goodnight %26amp; stay away from the heat. :)

Ladies are more than welcome to pick their top weatherguy .Who do you think is the best looking on the weather Channel?
I like Vivian Brown and P. Allen Smith (the garden guy) the best. Heather Tesch is nice, and I agree that Nicole Mitchell is annoying, though I'm not sure why.
I like Nicole Mitchell. A lot!!!

It's Jen Carfagno that's annoying.

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Who do you think is the best looking on the weather Channel?
i like jennifer lopez not the actress/singer/dancer/flygirl
It's a tie between Heather Tesch and Alexandra SteeleWho do you think is the best looking on the weather Channel?
My favorite weather channel women is Betty Davis which she is name after a movie star and also Jennifer Lopez which she is named after a singer same name
Jim Cantore
the cold fronts
Whoever the black chick is, is fine! She just recently had a baby I think.
Vermont is HOT !!!!
you dont get out much, do you?
they had topless weather girls in poland a few years back.And wow some of them were really hot

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